Prof. Rasim Alguliyev

Vice-president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,

Director General of the Institute of Information Technology, Azerbaijan

He is academician (full member) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

His main research directions include information security, cyber-physical systems, data science, artificial intelligence, information society etc. He has published more than 600 papers and more than 20 books.

He is a member of Editorial Board of the journals: Applied and Computational Mathematics, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, Telecommunications, Digital Technology Security, Problems of Information Technology, and Problems of Information Society. He also was an organizer and a member of the international program committee of several conferences.

He is a chairman of the Problem Council on Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of the Coordination of Scientific Research of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Prof. Alguliyev is a member of the Coordination Commission for Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

He is representative of Azerbaijan in the General Assembly of GEANT (a Pan-European Association for National Research and Education Networks).

Prof. Alguliyev has supervised 4 Doctor of Sciences and 34 PhDs. He is currently supervising 11 Doctor of Sciences and 5 PhD students.

In 2021-2023, Prof. Rasim Alguliyev was ranked among the world’s top 2% scientists reported by Stanford University.

Keynote Speech:

National Radiation Safety Information System for Management of Radiation Risks


In the global security framework as well as in Azerbaijan, the issue of radiation safety—a collection of measures to safeguard present and future generations’ health from the damaging effects of ionizing radiation—has a significant role. Today, more than 900 laboratories and enterprises in more than 70 countries use radioactive and nuclear materials suitable for use in military nuclear programs. Increases in radiation background in many parts of the world can be attributed to a number of factors, including more than 400 operational nuclear reactors and more than 200 research reactors worldwide, more than 2,000 nuclear weapons tests conducted in the territory of the former USSR, the USA, France, England, and other nations, and their twice-applications, and the aftermath of the explosions at the Fukushima and Chernobyl nuclear power plants. The environment and public health have suffered significant harm as a result of more than 20 major incidents involving nuclear fuel technology in the former USSR, the USA, France, and other countries.

The research demonstrates why it is imperative to guarantee Azerbaijan’s radiation safety and argues for its significance within the broader framework of national security. 440 companies in Azerbaijan currently employ 1778 radioactive sources and 1515 X-ray generators and accelerators for a variety of purposes, including technological control, medical applications, scientific research, and more. An overview is provided of the background radiation measurement and radionuclide distribution research conducted at the Institute of Radiation Problems, the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, the State Agency for the Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities of the MES, the Department of Nuclear Research of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. A particular focus is on the outcomes of the radioecological monitoring that was carried out in the liberated areas. Regarding radioecological monitoring studies, it is demonstrated that, in addition to the traditional techniques of monitoring that involve walking and driving, a novel approach of using a UAV to conduct radioecological monitoring in mined and impassable areas has been added in recent years. The study includes proposals on the drawing up of the radiation background map in the country, visualization of radiation risks and their management. One key issue that has been raised is the development of the National Radiation Safety Information System – NRSIS, which will aid in “sorting,” systematizing, archiving, and easing access to a radiation big data obtained by employing these approaches. The study includes a description of the multi-level architecture and effective algorithms for big data analysis are being developed. The Institute of Information Technology is developing methods and algorithms to gather, process, and provide stakeholders parties — primarily decision-makers — with access to information regarding the radiation background.

In this presentation, as a part of NRSIS a multi-layered architecture for analysis of radiation big data is proposed. On each layer for analysis of radiation big data, a new parallel clustering algorithm based on the k-means algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm splits a dataset into equal partitions and reduces the exponential growth of computations. The partitioning data into batches helps reduce the time costs of the clustering algorithm, despite the increase in the number of clusters. Finally, it should be noted that reducing the processing speed of big data ultimately leads to energy saving.