Prof. F. Mammadov

Vice-Rector of Odlar Yurdu University

Prof. F. Mammadov graduated from the Department of Information Measurement and Computing Technology of the Azebaijan State Industrial & Petroleum University (previously Azerbaijan State Oil and Chemistry Institute).

After graduation, he was appointed as a research assistant at the Signal Processing Laboratory of the Azerbaijan State Industrial & Petroleum University. His PhD studies focused on the Development of real time systems for data acquisition, transmission, and processing of information in Oil and Gas Industry. Between the years 1986-1988 he served as an Assoc. Prof. and Research Project Manager at the Azerbaijan State Industrial & Petroleum University in Baku.

His main research areas are signal and image processing, computational intelligence, fuzzy modeling, fuzzy control, knowledge-based neural networks. He has more than 100 publications and 5 patents. He is also a guest editor of SCI journals and a member of scientific committees of many international conferences indexed by Scopus and Web of Science data bases. He has received many awards and prizes, and he is a member of many international institutions. Prof. Sadıkoğlu can speak Turkish, Russian, English and French languages.

He served as a professor at the major universities of Algeria between the years 1988-1994, and founded the Signal and System Research Laboratory.

Since 1995, he has been working at the Near East University in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. He served as the Head of the Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Director of Graduate School of Applied and Social Sciences and Vice President. Currently he is a Professor at Computer Engineering Department of Near East University.