Turkey / Azerbaijan

The provided text details the impressive academic and professional journey of Prof. Abdulla Heydar oglu Sofiyev.

Born on July 1, 1961, in Dash Salahli, Gazakh district. He pursued his education at Azerbaijan Pedagogical University. He later held various positions at Azerbaijan Technical University, Ondokkuz Mayis, Suleyman Demiral, and Istanbul Ticaret Universities in Turkey.

Prof. Sofiyev’s expertise in theoretical mechanics and contributions to the field are noteworthy. His extensive work includes solving complex problems related to the stability and vibration of structures made of diverse materials, ranging from functionally graded materials to nanocomposites. These solutions find practical applications in aerospace technology, including satellites, rockets, spaceships, and nuclear reactors.

The text highlights his numerous accomplishments, such as winning the “Science and Technology” First Prizes, being recognized among the top 10 referees of prestigious international journals, and being listed among the world’s most influential scientists by Stanford University. His “h”-index in SCOPUS reflects productivity and citation impact, standing at an impressive 47.

Prof. Sofiyev’s significant contributions extend beyond research to mentorship, with 13 masters and five doctors trained under his guidance. He has actively participated in scientific projects in Turkey and at the Institute of Technical Mechanics, Karlsruhe University, Germany. His commitment to education and research is further evidenced by his participation as a visiting professor at Karlsruhe University and being awarded the DAAD scholarship seven times.

His work has received substantial recognition, with over 300 scientific articles published in various journals, more than 170 prestigious international (SCI) journals, and numerous awards from TUBITAK. Prof. Sofiyev’s influence extends to his role as a referee in over 30 global (SCI) engineering and applied mathematics journals and as a member of the editorial board of several prestigious international mechanics journals.

In summary, Prof. Abdulla Sofiyev’s extensive and impactful contributions to theoretical mechanics and applied mathematics and his dedication to education and mentorship underscore his significant influence on the academic and scientific community.

Keynote Speech:

Smart functionally graded coatings: modelling and applıcations


In this study, the concept of smart functionally graded coatings, their history of formation, production methods, advantages and applications in different branches of contemporary engineering are presented.

By modeling the micro and macro mechanical properties of some structural elements covered with functionally graded coatings in various configurations, constitutive relations and basic equations are derived.

An analytical solution to the nonlinear vibration problem of functionally graded-sandwich shells using by the perturbation method is presented as an example.